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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *qǟŋa
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: kite; owl
Ket: qa:ŋǝ4 (Kur.), Bak., Sur. qa:ŋǝ4 / qaŋǝ4, South. qaŋ4; pl. qāŋen1 "kite"
Yug: xa:hŋ, pl. xaŋen1 (cf. also М., Сл. xáhaŋa 'hawk')
Kottish: kéŋa-fuj (Ass.) "owl"
Comments: ССЕ 257. Werner 2, 68 <*qaʔǝŋǝ>. The roots *qǟŋa and *kVg- (q.v.) are actively contaminating; the former must have originally meant a hawk or kite, while the latter - some kind of owl.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qeʔs (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: sand, sandy shore
Ket: qɛʔś, pl. qɛŕeŋ5 (Bak., Sur. qɛdǝŋ5)
Yug: xɛʔs, (Werner 2, 84) pl. χɛ́d́iŋ
Comments: ССЕ 257. Rather strange is the plural form pointing to *qeʔʒ- (~χ-,-ǯ-): a suppletive stem? or a compound *qeʔs+ *ʔeʔǯVŋ (see *ʔeʔǯ- 'damp sand')? Werner 1, 84-85 <*qeʔs / *qeʔt'>: relates here Arin kes, Pump. kit 'stone', despite the fact that these forms completely regularly reflect a different root, PY *čɨʔs 'stone'. He also tries to connect Kott. hanaŋ 'shore', on the Uralic origin of which see under *qäʔj.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qeʔt- (~χ-) ?
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: pregnant
Ket: qässej5 , North. qɛssej5
Yug: хɛtes5
Comments: ССЕ 258. Werner 2, 83-84: suggests that the first element may be *χ[e]ʔ 'big', supporting this idea by the separability of the root in Ket t-qä-ŋ-tas-dʌŋdʌjen 'we are pregnant' etc. If this is not a secondary insertion of -ŋ-, we should rather think of a root *tis 'belly' (?).
Proto-Yenisseian: *qepVn- (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to close (door)
Ket: qeńgej6; Werner 2, 85: qɛ:ńij3, qɛ:ńgij3, qänij, qanij; t-qɛ́b-bit 'I close it'
Yug: di-χɛ́fɨnābdi ʔ 'ich mache es zu', imper. χɛ́fɨne (Werner 2, 85)
Comments: Werner 2, 85 *qephǝn: the addition of the Yug forms allows to change the reconstruction from *qeń- ( ~ χ-) in ССЕ 258 to *qepVn- ( ~ χ-). Cf. Kott. (Werner 1, 325) hōp(e)tal 'Satteldecke, Teppich'?
Proto-Yenisseian: *qēǯ- (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: pole
Ket: qɛ:hŕi5 (Kur.), Bak., Sur. qɛ:dǝ4 / qɛdǝ4, South. qɛŕ4; pl. qēŕeŋ1, Bak., Sur. qēdeŋ
Yug: xɛ:ht́, pl. xed́iŋ1 / xɛd́iŋ5
Comments: ССЕ 258. Werner 2, 83 <*qɛʔǝd'ǝ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qǝʔń
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: flea
Ket: qʌʔń (КРС, Werner 2, 148)
Kottish: imgara-xon (Бол.) 'flea', xon 'beetle'
Comments: ССЕ 258. The Kott. compound contains imgara 'little' in the first part. Werner 2, 148.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qǝʔt (~χ-,-c-,-č,-ʒ,-ǯ)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: trash, refuse
Ket: qʌʔt
Comments: ССЕ 258. Werner 2, 148.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qǝk- (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: spoon
Ket: qъ̄kt// qъ̄ktǝ1 , pl. qʌktǝŋ5 (Werner 2, 149: qʌ́ktaq / qʌ́ktaqŋ)
Yug: xъkči1, pl. xʌkčakŋ5
Comments: ССЕ 259. Werner 2, 149 *qǝk-t'ak (altes Kompositum). The word may indeed be an old compound, but the second component should be rather reconstructed as *čaq, and is probably the same as in *čaq-pǝm q.v.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qǝm- (~χ-)
Meaning: thorny bush, thorn
Ket: qʌmbǝl5 / qʌmǝl5 / qʌmĺej5 / qʌmɨĺ5, pl. qʌmbǝlaŋ5 / qʌmɨĺaŋ5 'wild rose', 'thorn'
Comments: Cf. also qʌ́maś 'thorn' < *qǝm-ʔǝmas (see *ʔǝmas). Werner 2, 144, 145 (analyzing qʌ́mas as qä ʌmas 'big thorn' - which is rather dubious).
Proto-Yenisseian: *qǝnte (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ant
Ket: qъ̄nt / qъ̄nte1, pl. qъ̄nten1 / qъ̄ntenǝŋ1
Yug: xъntɨ1, pl. xъntɨnɨŋ1
Comments: ССЕ 259. Werner 2, 149.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qǝr- (χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bad-tempered, angry
Yug: xʌrɨń5
Comments: ССЕ 259. Werner 2, 398 <*qǝʎǝn>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qǝǯ- (~χ-)
Meaning: to give, give away
Ket: qʌŕem5, Bak., Sur. qʌdǝm5
Yug: xʌd́iŋ-fɨt5
Arin: koja-penä (Лоск.) "I give" ?
Comments: ССЕ 259. The comparison with Arin is possible if the form is correctly segmented. Werner 2, 146.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qɨʔ (~χ-), pl. *qǝʔǯVŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: skewer, spit; (sun-)beam
Ket: qɨʔ, pl. qʌŕeŋ5, Bak., Sur. pl. qʌdǝŋ5
Yug: xɨʔ, pl. xʌdɨŋ5 (Werner 2, 152-153: χʌ́d́iŋ)
Comments: ССЕ 258-259. Werner 2, 152-153 <*qɨʔ / *qǝd'ǝ>. The roots for "bow" and "skewer / beam" (**"arrow"?) tend to contaminate in Ket-Yug.; perhaps they should be even united historically, but morphological details are not clear.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qɨĺiŋ (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: amoral, adulterous
Ket: qɨĺiŋ5
Yug: xɨĺiŋ5
Comments: ССЕ 260. Werner 2, 150 <*qɨlǝŋ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qɨń- (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to tremble, be afraid
Yug: xɨń-čej5,6
Comments: ССЕ 260. Werner 2, 398.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qɨńe (~χ-)
Meaning: current, stream
Ket: qɨ̄ńe1, South. qɨ̄ń
Yug: xɨ̄ń
Comments: ССЕ 260. Werner 2, 154 *qɨn'ǝ.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qɨte (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: wolf
Ket: qɨ̄t, Kur. qɨ̄ti1; pl. qʌtn5
Yug: xɨ̄t // xɨt, pl. xʌtn5 // xɨtn5
Arin: kut (М., Сл., Кл.), kūt (Стр.), kot (Лоск.)
Pumpokol: xótu (Сл.)
Comments: ССЕ 260. Werner 2, 155 <*qʌthǝ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qɨ̄ǯ- (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to dig
Ket: qɨŕ4 (South.), Kur. qɨ:ŕi4, Bak., Sur. qɨ:dǝ4
Yug: xɨ:h4
Comments: ССЕ 260. Werner 2, 151 <*qɨʔǝd'ǝ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *qo ( ~ *χ-)
Meaning: full, enough
Yug: χo / χɔ
Comments: Werner 2, 92 *qo. Cf. also Ket qɔ́-vet, Yug χɔ́-bet́ 'sufficient, orderly' (Werner 2, 121).
Proto-Yenisseian: *-qo ( ~ -χ-)
Meaning: to charge (a weapon)
Ket: śi-ʁɔ́
Yug: di-ti-di-χɔ 'ich lade das Gewehr'
Comments: Werner 2, 200 (w.r.).
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